TrashCan Dream

TrashCan Dream

Vytvořeno Decafraindrop studio

TrashCan Dream is an interactive narrative adventure where players follow the journey of an ordinary street trash can with extraordinary dreams. In the bustling city of New York, this trash can embarks on a quest to reach the beach, facing whimsical challenges and encountering curious characters along the way. Each level introduces new gameplay elements and meaningful interactions, from helping a street musician make a living to dodging seagulls that threaten to knock the trash can off course.

O Decafraindrop studio

Decafraindropstudio is an indie game studio that thrives on creativity, experimentation, and defying convention. We specialize in crafting immersive and unique gaming experiences, pushing the boundaries of interaction and storytelling. Our team believes in the power of games as a medium for self-expression, offering players a window into new worlds

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Financed by EU Národní plán obnovy Ministerstvo kultury Financováno Evropskou unií – Next Generation EU